Eligibility and General Information
Below is an overview of some of the Plan’s key eligibility provisions. For complete details regarding establishing and maintaining coverage under the Plan, please refer to the Eligibility and Effective Date section of the Plan Booklet or contact the Administrator.
Establishing Coverage
Eligibility for benefits requires that you must be:
- in a bargaining unit of a USW Local, and
- covered by the Coast Master Logging Agreement or by a Collective Agreement acceptable to the Trustees and containing benefits compatible with the USW–Coastal Forest Industry Health & Welfare Plan, and
- regularly paid for thirty-two (32) or more hours per week by an employer who participates in the Plan.
Coverage will commence on the first day of the month following completion of 30 working days in a 90-day period.
Under certain circumstances (e.g. if you were covered on the Plan within the previous 18 months) you may be eligible on the day you start work. Refer to the Eligibility and Effective Date section of the Plan Booklet for detailed information.
How to Enrol in the Plan
To enroll in the Plan you must complete the following forms and send them to the Administrator without delay:
- Joint Enrolment Form (used for enrolment in this USW-Coastal Forest Industry Health & Welfare Plan as well as the FIR Labour Relations LImited Extended Health and Dental Plans)
Termination of Coverage
Your coverage will terminate when your employment terminates. Refer to the Termination section of the Plan Booklet for detailed information.
Information regarding potential continuation of coverage during Layoff/Leave of Absence is also detailed in the Plan Booklet.